
Study Area

- Daria Urban Growth Boundary to 1450AH : The urban boundary total area of Daria that approved by Ministerial Resolution No. (157) on 11/5/1428 AH is (1105.77 HA), Includes the main urban zone of the city, in addition to the southern Al-Matiwi and Al-Ramthiya, without the villages, and sub-urban areas shown on the map below.

The Built Up Area of Daria takes the Grid City shape, where King Abdulaziz Roads, Othman bin Affan Road, Ali Ibn Abi Talib Road and Omar bin Al-Khattab Road perpendicular to both King Abdullah Roads, King Fahd Road, King Khalid Road and King Faisal Road, and the buildings are formed in the form of this distribution.

- Characteristics and urban components of Daria City: Based on studies in 1439 AH, Vacant blots constitute the largest proportion of the urban zone which is (5.4) square kilometers and a percentage (49.0%), while the percentage of residential and mixed residential uses was (8.0%), gardens and parks (10.25%), and public services (4.8%).